It Must Be Our Choice!

03 Nov

Brittany Maynard, an end-of-life choice advocate.
Picture credit: The Maynard family


On our news this morning was a story that needed to be shared.

As many of you by now know,  I am dealing with Cancer.

Mine is,  as far as I can see, likely under control.

The story this morning was about a very young girl,  whose was not.

She had stage four Brain Cancer and had been told by her doctor that she had six months to live.

This is news that no one her age should ever have to hear.

What she did after that point,  is why you must know about her.

Brittany Maynard lived in California and made the long trip to the state of Oregon to do, once again, what  no one her age should ever have to do, die.

California does not have the law that Oregon does called,  “Death with Dignity.”

In the interview this morning, Brittany expressed her feelings with enormous grace and courage.

Her strength in making this decision was way beyond her tender age.

I am not sure that in her position, I could have done it.

As a former Nurse in California,  I have cared for many Cancer patients and know the excruciating pain that they endure until they either recover,  or succumb to this ravaging disease.

My own mother in law passed away with the same disease, Brain Cancer.

She also did not live in a state with the law that Brittany used to choose her own path to dying.

My mother in law suffered terribly, had great pain and finally went into a coma from which she never recovered.

She lingered for a brief time and then she was gone.

Would she have, if allowed, have made the same choice that Brittany did?

We will never know.

When ever I spent time on the Oncology Ward, the sounds of pain were so very hard to hear.

Imagine how it must have been for those with the disease?

Someone who should know better,  this week told me that Cancer does not hurt.

I beg to differ with this person.

If it didn’t hurt,  why do nearly all of the patients in Oncology have Morphine drips?

But back to Brittany and her decision.

I may be in a minority here, what’s new, but my personal belief is that dying is each persons decision and no one should have the power to prevent,  or alter it.

Reaching the end of your life, whether as in Brittany’s case, or an elderly person who has had a long and full life, the decision as to when it should end,  should be theirs and theirs alone.

Anyone who disagrees with this,  needs to talk to those suffering with a terminal illness, or better yet, spend an hour or a day in an Oncology wing.

That should do it.

Dear Sweet beautiful Brittany, I did not know you, but I will support to my death,  your right to make that choice and you should not have had to,  in your time of suffering pain and illness,  have had to travel hundreds of miles away to another state,  to complete your final choice.

California and all states,  should recognize this situation and change it, now.

Every state in America needs to have a “Death with Dignity”  law.

I can nearly guarantee that it would happen instantly if and when,  any of those with the power to do it, had a beloved family member who was in Brittany’s  position.

America and  the world must admit that dying is extremely personal and how each of us does it, needs to be the patient’s choice.

We must each have the right to choose our own path to dying.

This is a Human Right and it MUST be our choice!


Places to learn more:

Brittany Maynard Could Revive the Stalled ‘Death With Dignity’ Movement

Brittany Maynard, terminally ill, takes own life

Brittany Maynard, 29-year-old right-to-die advocate with brain cancer, ends her life in Oregon

Brittany Maynard, advocate for ‘death with dignity,’ dies

Brittany Maynard – Wikipedia

The Brittany Maynard Fund


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7 responses to “It Must Be Our Choice!

  1. Peter Schreiner

    November 3, 2014 at 10:38 AM

    I stand with you, Donna.

    • Gator Woman

      November 3, 2014 at 10:45 AM

      Thank you Peter.
      We all must stand with those who are facing these situations.
      When we die MUST be our choice, not a politicians!

  2. Dr. Rex

    November 3, 2014 at 10:46 AM

    Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    A story that must be shared!! May she rest in Peace …..

    • Gator Woman

      November 3, 2014 at 10:51 AM

      Thank you, as always, dear Dr. Rex for sharing this.
      Her life and death story, must be a wake up call to all who read it.
      As she said, “carp diem, live each day as it comes.”

      • Dr. Rex

        November 3, 2014 at 10:52 AM

        My dearest friend … good to see you again!! Healing light and bright energy … going your way!! ❤ …

  3. sonmicloud

    November 3, 2014 at 11:55 AM

    “I did not know you, but I will support to my death, your right to make that choice and you should not have had to, in your time of suffering pain and illness” – I couldn’t agree more, Death with Dignity, how long will our so called ‘civilized’ society refuse one of the most basic human rights of all? Any who appose have not seen the suffering, nor experienced it. It is frightening that there are many who would be too ill to travel to a place where assisted suicide is legal, simply because of the location of their home. This is OUR right as individuals, no-one else’s. Thank you for the post Donna.

    – sonmi upon the Cloud

    • Gator Woman

      November 3, 2014 at 12:46 PM

      Thank you.
      How very succinctly you summed it all up Sonmi.
      God Bless for your compassion and kindness!


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